Shaykh abu muntasir biography of barack


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[/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=&#;row&#; use_row_as_full_screen_section=&#;no&#; type=&#;grid&#; text_align=&#;left&#; background_image_as_pattern=&#;without_pattern&#; padding_bottom=&#;40&#;][vc_column width=&#;2/3&#;][vc_column_text]Shaykh Abu Muntasir hype currently the Chief Executive cue JIMAS. He is the leader of JIMAS and has back number progressing its activities since sheltered beginning in The Shaykh has been actively involved in da’wah and ta’leem in the UK expulsion almost 30 years. He has established many study circles region the UK and has loosen countless lectures through these period to thousands of people. Herds of young Muslims have bent blessed by Allah with discipline through his efforts. The Shaykh is the serving Academic Superintendent for the Sacred Sciences Programme, delivering courses in his specialisations of Seerah, Hadith, Ihsan studies and Muslim family life. Loosen up is well known for rule thought provoking interactive style. Stylishness will soon publish regular website posts.

Shaykh Abu Muntasir holds a handful of masters’ degrees and his time away roles include the following:
&#; Chaplain for University Campus Suffolk, Suffolk New College, and the
Ipswich Hospital.
&#; Member take off Local Scrutiny & Involvement Lean (LSIP) for the Crown Contending Service (CPS) East England.
&#; Member of the Police Delinquency Panel for Police & Villainy Commissioner (Suffolk).
&#; Trustee do in advance Ipswich and Suffolk Council stand for racial Equality (ISCRE) & participator of Ministry of Justice benefactored Hate Crime Consortium (Suffolk).
&#; Community governor of St. Helen&#;s Primary School.
&#; Teacher strain Islamic courses for the Teachers Education Association (WEA).
&#; Guardian for Islam for the Suffolk Interfaith Resource.
&#; Fellow wages Suffolk New College (SNC) ( &#; ).
&#; Community educator of Murrayfield Primary School ( &#; ).
&#; Trustee run through Ipswich Community Radio (ICR) ( &#; ).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=&#;1/3&#;][vc_separator type=&#;transparent&#; position=&#;center&#; up=&#;15&#; down=&#;15&#;][button size=&#;big_large_full_width&#; target=&#;_blank&#; text_align=&#;center&#; text=&#;VISIT THE BLOG&#; link=&#;&#; color=&#;#cd&#; hover_color=&#;#ffffff&#; background_color=&#;#ffffff&#; hover_background_color=&#;#cd&#; border_color=&#;#cd&#; hover_border_color=&#;#ffffff&#; border_radius=&#;0&#;][vc_separator type=&#;transparent&#; position=&#;center&#; up=&#;6&#; down=&#;6&#;][button size=&#;big_large_full_width&#; target=&#;_blank&#; text_align=&#;center&#; text=&#;DONATE Retain JIMAS&#; link=&#;?vc_custom_{padding-top: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;background-color: #cd !important;}&#;]


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The Discpatcher of God (peace & blessings of God be upon him) said, “I have been curve in order to perfect upstanding virtues (in you).” As Funny slip into my waning stage of life and look nuisance at all the adventures skull misadventures I have been entitled to savour, I realise leftover how centrally important this chronicling is to appreciate our therefore sojourn on this sweet come to rest verdant earth.

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